In order to help high school elite students from remote areas with their learning abilities, the Foundation has held Yichong Summer Workshop since 2016. Through a series of training courses, such as oral English, maker, programming, drama, and etc., we help students broaden their horizons. The courses such as outdoor exploration can enhance teamwork building and comprehensively improve students' abilities in many dimensions.
In the summer of 2021, a total of 22 high school students participated in the workshop. The theme was "Economics into the Future, they experienced different courses during the day. They also got a chance to experience the charm of Shanghai City at night.
Workshop not only brought fresh experience to students, but also inspired them in multiple angles. They began to think about problems and solutions in a broader world. As the students completed the workshop courses, they gradually started to think about their college major and future career planning for their lives. The Foundation, as well as the other nonprofit organizations and businesses they visited during the course, made them realize their own responsibility is not only to themselves but the society. Helping others whenever they can is an absolute one.